Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Turmeric: not just for chicken!

Ah, turmeric...  I buy it in large quantities.  My mom uses it as much as possible for the health benefits.  I use it as a SPECTACULAR all-natural yellow coloring.  :)
I get mine from the Amish store down the road.  Good stuff.

Now, you can use the full-flavored spice in desserts without too much difficulty, but it will give your food a twang if you use too much.  Use stale turmeric if the flavor is a problem.  

Using large grain sugar, a dash of tumeric, and a few drops of water you can make colored sugar sprinkles for cookies!  (See instructions in this post.)

Using my cookie frosting recipe, I made some yellow and some chocolate frosting for fall-colored cookies!

I'm not entirely sure why, but I really love that tree cookie...  :)

I mixed a little beet juice into my turmeric yellow frosting, and got a soft orange color.  Combine with chocolate frosting and a little plain white, and VOILA!  Cute little fall owl cookies!

 I must say, these are SO FUN to make!  And so cute!  And so yummy!  And all-natural!  :)  Yay for color.  Pooh on the nay-sayers.  ;)


  1. Love your posts! Those owl cookies are beyond cute.

  2. That is amazing! What a cool talent. I wouldn't even have thought to do something like that on my own.

  3. That is awesome. What a great idea. Using a spice as a coloring would never have occurred to me. And your cookies are amazing!

  4. I'm going to have to try this! You are so awesome and do such amazing things with your baking.

  5. Those owl cookies are adorable! You put my cookies to shame! I pretty much only make oatmeal raisin, lol.

  6. Oh my gosh, I'd love to have a whole party catered with those owl and tree cookies - gosh they are adorable and I *know* your cookies are dynamite, so it would also be deeeeeeeeeeelicious.
